domingo, 19 de dezembro de 2010

" I saw God's shadow on this world"

Silver Jews - There is a Place

Yellow Brick Road - Captain Beefheart & His Magic Band

(Glendaele, 15 de Janeiro de 1941 - 17 de dezembro de 2010)

Don Glen Vliet, conhecido por Don Van Vliet ou Captain Beefheart, artista plástico e músico "avant garde", fortemente influenciado pelos Blues, era conhecido pela sua excêntricidade. Dotado de uma voz poderosa, emulava na perfeição as grandes vozes dos Blues, como por exemplo, Howlin' Wolf, o seu ídolo.

Amigo e também rival de longa data de Frank Zappa, foi Zappa, quem lhe deu o nome de "Captain Beefheart".

Em 1965 formou "The Magic Band", por onde passaram artistas conhecidos, como Ry Cooder.

Captain Beefheart, influenciou artistas como Nick Cave, Tom Waits, White Stripes, Franz Ferdinand, entre outros.

Entre a longa discografia de Beefheart, é difícil destacar alguma obra. Mas pode-se afirmar que Safe as Milk de 1967 e Trout Mask Replica, de 1969, são os seus álbuns mais reconhecidos.

sexta-feira, 17 de dezembro de 2010

Langhorne Slim "Restless"

A la Folie

Ton vehicule n'a pas l`air d`avoir de passager
Peux-tu: Veux tu me recevoir
Sans trop te deranger?
Mes bottes ne feront pas trop d`echos dans ton couloir
Pas de bruit avec mes adieux
Pas pour nous les moments perdus
En attendant un uncertain au-revoir
Parce que-j'ai la folie, oui c'est la folie
Il etait une fois un etudiant
Qui voulait fort, comme en literature
Sa copine, elle etait si douce
Qu'il pouvait presque, en la management
Rejeter tous les vices
Repousser tou les mals
Detruire toutes beautes
Qui par ailleurs, n'avait jamais ete ses complices
Parces qu'il avait la folie, oui, c'est la folie
Et si parfois l'on fait des confessions
A qui les raconter - meme le bon dieu nous a laisse tomber
Un autre endroit, une autre vie
Eh oui, c'est une autre histoire
Mais a qui tou raconter?
Chez les ombres de la nuit?
Au petit matin, au petit gris
Combien de crimes ont ete commis
Contre les mensonges et soi disant les lois du coeur
Combien sont la a cause de la folie
Parce qu'il ont la folieback to top

terça-feira, 14 de dezembro de 2010

Vashti Bunyan - Diamond day

Vashti Bunya, nasceu em Londres em 1945. Conhecida em círculos restrictos, influenciou artistas como "Animal Collective", Devendra Banhart, Joanna Newsom.

A sua carreira musical começou em 1964 e foi descoberta por Andrew Loog Oldham, antigo "manager" dos Rolling Stones.

Depois de ter estado afastada do panorama musical mais de três décadas, Bunyan ,regressou à música. Tocou ao lado de Davendra Banhart,"Rejoicing in the Hands", participou em concertos com Stephen Malkmus (Ex-Pavement) e fez colaborações com os Animal Collective

Em 2007 a Fat Cat Records, lançou "Some Things Just Stick in Your Mind - Singles and Demos 1964 - 1967".

domingo, 12 de dezembro de 2010

Land of Anaka

Geoffrey Oryema is a Ugandan now living in France. He was forced to flee Uganda after his father (a cabinet minister) was murdered by the armed forces of dictator Idi Amin in 1977. When he moved to France in the 80's, his love of music and his persistence in his art earned him a deal with Real World. He was paired off with Brian Eno.
The album is largely in Geoffrey's native languages of Swahili and Acoli (pronounced Acholi, and it's acholi quite an interesting language) though there are a couple of songs in English/songs interspersed with English. A collection of songs of based on African folklore and childhood memories, it really is quite gorgeous.

Anaka is the place Geoffrey's father was born, and where he was also laid to rest. The lyrics echo a time lost and the heartache the destruction in the 70's caused.

In this land of Anaka,
we had hope in Obiga,
we had hopes, we had dreams,
dreams of a clear green land.
In place of the family house,
dead sand, dead sand

The Tallest Man on Earth - King of Spain

segunda-feira, 6 de dezembro de 2010

Celtic Woman - Isle of Inisfree

The Lake Isle of Innisfree

"I will arise and go now, and go to Innisfree,
And a small cabin build there, of clay and wattles made:
Nine bean-rows will I have there, a hive for the honeybee,
And live alone in the bee-loud glade.

And I shall have some peace there, for peace comes dropping slow,
Dropping from the veils of the morning to where the cricket sings;
There midnight's all a glimmer, and noon a purple glow,
And evening full of the linnet's wings.

I will arise and go now, for always night and day
I hear lake water lapping with low sounds by the shore;
While I stand on the roadway, or on the pavements grey,
I hear it in the deep heart's core."

William Butler Yeats

Mark Lanegan & Isobel Campbell- Deus Ibi Est -Ying e Yang ( A perfect duo?)